Dubai's streets, public spaces to transform into artistic landmarks

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Dubai’s streets and public squares will transform into an open art museum under a new initiative.

This initiative, launched by Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) and Dubai Municipality, will see Dubai turning into an open-air global art gallery.

Suitable public spaces and residential neighbourhoods will be identified for displaying artworks and artistic installations. The initiative will help empower artists by expanding their presence in the local art scene, and encourage them to contribute to greater artistic appreciation in the emirate. These spaces will be enriched with distinctive artworks that enhance the local art scene and reflect the emirate’s unique creative identity.

It is part of the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan, which aims to achieve sustainable urban development centred around people.

Photo: WAM

Dubai Culture will determine the number of artworks and installations to be implemented annually within a set timeframe, aligning with the city's beautification plan. Meanwhile, Dubai Municipality will be responsible for selecting proposed showcasing sites and coordinating with government and private entities to obtain the necessary approvals and permits for executing public art projects.